hot temperatures

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Now that Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone, the summer season has officially kicked off. Expect to be invited to more barbeques, beer gardens, and rafting trips every week! Everyone has different ways of enjoying their summertime months, but no matter what, they all enjoy walking into a cool room at the end of a long, hot day. This summer promises to be no different and if it follows the building trend, it is likely going to get even hotter this summer than it was the last summer. Expect record temperatures. That means a lot of people are going to be blasting their air conditioning. But it is important to go green with your home heating and cooling. Not only will it save you money on your energy bills, it is also good for the environment. And if you use the latest technology, it is often more convenient that way, too. Below are some steps that you can take to eco-friendly with your home’s heating and cooling.

#1 – Use a timer on your thermostat.大多数的名人e do not stay in their homes all day. Therefore, there is little reason to keep your air conditioning running all day. When you are not there, you should not keep the air conditioner on. Using a timer on your thermostat will help you regulate the temperature in your home in the most environmentally friendly manner. Most thermostats come with timers, so just check how to use yours. (If you don’t have the manual, check the website.) Now you don’t have to remember to manually change the temperature when you leave the house every morning for the office.

Related: Hearth & Home Offers Tips to Save Money on Winter Heating

#2 – Try a geothermal system.There are a lot of benefits to using geothermal heating and cooling systems in your home. They circulate air very well, increasing the comfort in the home. They also lower monthly costs, perform reliably despite stormy weather, protect the environment by not emitting any harmful gases, and operate quietly and without a noisy outdoor unit. According to, “Geothermal homes use heat pumps to take advantage of the constant temperature of geothermal wells under the ground. The heat pump can cool a house in the summer and warm it during the winter. Heat pumps have a fluid inside, which could be water or a refrigerant. When it is cold outside, the fluid absorbs Earth’s heat and brings it inside to warm the air. In the summertime, the heat exchange works in reverse, cooling the house.”

#3 – Clean the filters in your step.Everyone should take this step right away. Clean all of the filters in your air conditioning system and your heating system. You should be doing this every month at the least. As your filter gets dirtier, less air can pass through, forcing users to blast the air conditioner or heat at higher levels. They also send dust and other toxins back around your house. Cleaning your filters will help with efficiency, it will save you money, and it will boost the air quality in your home with ease.

#4 – Install solar panels.If you are willing to make a great upfront investment, consider using solar panels. Installing them on your roof is a great way to cut your energy usage. Solar rays are free and available in abundance in most locations. Consult with a professional and find out if solar panels are the right option for you.

Related: 7 Characteristics of Eco-Friendly Air Conditioning Units

#5 – Make small adjustments to have a big impact.You can make a real dent in your energy usage by making small changes to your regular routines. According to theWashington Post, “Energy experts remind us to close the blinds to windows to keep heat out. Also, closing doors to empty rooms helps contain cool air in the parts you need it. Electrical appliances, too, such as light bulbs and even computers will heat a room. If you’re leaving the house, make sure to close doors and turn off all electronics to contain cool air and keep temperatures low.”

#6 – Drop the temperature on your hot water heater.大多数的名人e keep their hot water heaters at much higher levels than necessary. This just raises the energy usage to heat the water, as well as your bills. You don’t need to keep your hot water heater any higher than 120 degrees. You’ll see a drop in your energy costs right away.

这些步骤可以对环境造成巨大影响t and they will also serve the purpose of saving you money.

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Greener Ideal strives to help you live your life in more sustainable ways with green living tips, healthy recipes and commentary on the latest environment news. The views expressed by guest authors are their own and may not reflect those of Greener Ideal.


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