
截至2013年1月,100瓦白炽灯泡再也不能生产出售在美国由于其能源效率低下和显著的热产生。计划正在进行中,以做出相同的改变灯泡的调光器siblings-the 75 - 60 - 40瓦的白炽灯泡。可现在包括紧凑型荧光灯或更换灯泡节能灯灯泡和计算机化发光二极管或LED灯泡。这两个节能灯LED灯泡基于新技术比白炽灯泡,这是第一个发明200年以前的事了。因为他们的先进技术,能源之星节能灯和LED灯泡可以节省75%在能源成本比过时的白炽灯泡。




相关: 如何回收或清理破碎的CFL灯泡





  1. 你好,我是来自良好的欧洲,德国人已经使灯泡“禁止的”(这是欧盟的规定,但默克尔-沼泽开始整个)。不能说我是一个迷。节能灯灯泡只有意义的情况需要光在很长一段时期。走廊或地下室的灯吗?并非如此。频繁切换导致节能灯死的速度比一个灯泡。也,这些东西需要加热一分钟左右,给足够的光,很多人离开他们,即使在他们房间只是短暂的。但真正的游手好闲的人吗?不管参加talking heads试图说什么,仅仅是可怕的。无论如果他们称之为“软音”或“温暖的白色”,让你的客厅或者卧室点燃了这些东西给了他们一个公共汽车站的气氛。 The problem is the spectrum: CFLs do just not emit all wavelengths. Hence you get strange effects where black clothes appear green-ish under CFL lighting, as there is not sufficient red in the emitted light. It just looks bloody awful, and especially skin tones or the colors of food look unnatural. Here in Europe, museums have bought huge quantities of light bulbs for the years to come, just so they don`t have to present artwork illuminated by those fridge lights. Look, the point is, CFLs make sense for a lot of applications, but to rule out the alternative for all the situations where they don’t make sense is stupid. We have made bad experiences with this. Besides that, several tests have continuously found one thing: CFLs emit much less light than the amount of light that is stated on the box. Plus, the lifetime given by the industry is way overstated, the things break much earlier. The only thing higher than expected? The price. And the secondary costs: As the light from those things is so awful, companies like Philips (who pushed for the ban on light bulbs initially) are now able to sell their Multi-Color LED “Ambilights” as a way to restore the cozy atmosphere that was provided by a slightly dimmed light bulb. To the tune of 170 Euro a piece. So, the point is simple: 1. Make a law that forces everybody to buy a more expensive alternative to the original product, despite that alternative having serious drawbacks. 2. sell them additional stuff at outrageous prices as a remedy for the drawbacks. Really, please do not fall for this con trick!

