iPod Green如果你碰巧抓住了苹果九月“让我们摇滚”活动周二,您可能听说首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)谈论了该公司为减少产品对环境的影响而采取的步骤。“我们希望对这些产品对环境敏感,”乔布斯,“我们认为这些新的纳米是我们建造的最干净,无毒的iPod。”可以通过重新设计的高度可回收铝制外壳,无砷玻璃以及缺乏PVC,汞和溴化的耐燃料,可以提出这一主张。iPod纳米。另外,重新设计极简包装为了将iPod掌握在您的手中,减少所需的废物和运输空间的数量。如果全部很酷的新功能没有足够的理由,现在绝对是最绿色的时间iPod


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  1. […]It’s this recurring dilemma that’s making electronic waste one of the fastest growing environmental concerns – not only because it means a device that could be recycled is being thrown away, but also because many computer devices and circuit boards contain chemicals that really shouldn’t be put in a landfill, where they can decompose and leak into the Earth’s soil. The sustainability issue around computer devices is well-known in the industry, and has all of the major players taking the environmental impact of their devices much more seriously. For instance, Apple recently hired former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Lisa Jackson to lead its environmental efforts. […]

